The Forever 29 Podcast
This is a podcast with positive and uplifting messages to makes us feel good about ourselves regardless of age, which should not only define us as persons. Age is just a number. Gigi’s train is coming to your town Saturday, May 20; get ready to get on Board for an Enjoyable and unforgettable ride. Her podcast is titled Forever 29. If you want to be 29 again or stay 29, you will not want to miss this train.

Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Rich & Creamy Treat Music (Live@Bogart). They used to call them the Beatles Juniors
English: Two pieces played by four high-schoolers in a small band including my son Class 1997-1998. They got first place in the band high school contest of the State of OHIO. It was the good old times! You might want to relive that with us.
Spanish: Dos piezas tocaron por cuatro estudiantes de secundaria en una pequeña banda que incluía a mi hijo Class 1997-1998. Obtuvieron el primer lugar en el concurso de bandas de secundaria del Estado de OHIO. ¡Eran los buenos tiempos! Quizá quieras revivir eso conmigo.
French: Deux morceaux joués par quatre lycéens dans un petit groupe musical dont mon fils Class 1997-1998. Ils ont obtenu la première place au concours musical de l'État de l'OHIO. C'était le bon vieux temps ! Vous voudriez peut-être revivre ça avec moi ! CG