The Forever 29 Podcast
This is a podcast with positive and uplifting messages to makes us feel good about ourselves regardless of age, which should not only define us as persons. Age is just a number. Gigi’s train is coming to your town Saturday, May 20; get ready to get on Board for an Enjoyable and unforgettable ride. Her podcast is titled Forever 29. If you want to be 29 again or stay 29, you will not want to miss this train.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Dans cet épisode, nous explorons la tâche cruciale de sélectionner le leader approprié pour Haïti, une nation qui a rencontré des obstacles dans l'élection de dirigeants capables. Pour aider à améliorer les performances de la prochaine élection, nous avons compilé une liste fascinante des traits de leadership (ou de leur absence) des anciens présidents. Faites-nous confiance, vous ne voudrez pas manquer celui-ci ! Alors, qu'attendez-vous ? Cliquez ici et rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure ! Embarquez !

Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Comme nous l’avions évoqué dans les épisodes 12 et 13, pouvons-nous faire d'Haïti une "zone bleue"? Cela signifie un endroit où les gens vivent plus longtemps, en meilleure santé et plus heureux, avec des taux de maladies chroniques plus bas qu'ailleurs. Bien que cela puisse sembler un défi, nous restons déterminés et confiants que nous pouvons y arriver ensemble. Le Dr G et moi vous invitons à nous accompagner dans ce voyage virtuel en Haïti pour découvrir comment atteindre cet objectif. Merci de votre attention et bonne écoute !

Monday Mar 04, 2024
Monday Mar 04, 2024
As briefly discussed in episodes 12 and 13, can Haiti become a Blue Zone? Blue Zones are places where people live longer, healthier, and happier lives, with lower rates of chronic diseases than anywhere else. Although making Haiti a Blue Zone may be challenging, we are committed to keeping hope alive and believe we can make it happen together. Dr. G and I invite everyone to join us on this virtual journey to Haiti to see how we can achieve this goal. Thank you for listening! Bonne écoute!

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
You might believe that your genes are set in stone and control everything from your eye color to your cancer risk. But guess what? That's only half the truth. Your genes are not your fate. They are more like a script that can be tweaked and changed by your decisions and environment. So, if you are curious about how our DNA affects our lives and how we can affect it back, Buckle up, and let's go on a journey together. We will discover how you can influence your gene expression and boost your health and happiness.

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
In this episode, we discussed energy sources and their impacts. Today, we will discuss renewable and nonrenewable resources and our dependence on fossil fuels. What are the pros and cons of each type? How can we use them wisely? Listen and learn with us. Let's go!

Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Join us for another enlightening episode of 'Where is Your Happiness?' with Dr. Hyacinthe. Today, he focuses on 'What Art Can Teach You About Happiness'. As the renowned philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said, art has the power to transcend reality and offer a profound perspective on life. Through mediums such as poetry, novels, paintings, sculptures, and music, Dr Hyacinthe will explore how art can enrich our lives and bring a sense of tranquility and harmony. So relax, tune in, and immerse yourself in this fascinating discussion. Bonne écoute!

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
In this episode, we'll discuss what to do with your old gadgets. As we mentioned in our previous episode, there are more sustainable solutions than throwing them in the trash or recycling bin, as they require special handling. While devices like phones, laptops, cables, and batteries contain valuable materials such as metals and plastics that can be reused or recycled, they also contain harmful substances that can harm the environment if not disposed of properly.
So, how can you responsibly recycle your electronic waste? What are the best options available? We'll share the most effective ways to dispose of your old devices and helpful tips to help you find the right place to do so. So, please join us as we delve into this topic.

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Hey, do you know what to do with your old electronic gadgets? Don't just toss them in the trash or the recycling bin. They are electronic waste, and they need special treatment. Phones, laptops, cables, and batteries have metals and plastics that can be reused or recycled. But they also have harmful substances that can pollute the environment if not handled properly. So, how can you recycle your phone?
Well, hop on board, and let’s find out.

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
This special episode is a beautiful celebration of Christmas and a tribute to the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. His selfless love and sacrifice continue to guide us on our journey, especially the Forever 29ers. As we reflect on the holiday, we are reminded of Jesus' profound impact and inspired to follow in his footsteps. Jess eloquently captures this beautiful poem, "One Solitary Life." by James Allen Francis. Throughout the centuries, his influence has far surpassed all the combined armies, navies, parliaments, and kings, making him a revered figure for humanity. He is truly the most incredible person ever, and we are immensely grateful for him.
In addition, Caleb shares some fun games for us to enjoy with our loved ones, including Dirty Santa and Mr. and Mrs. Wright. So don't hesitate to click the play button for more festive fun.

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
The Modern Milkman. Can the milkman make a comeback?
In this episode, we discussed the need to decrease our use of single-use plastics due to their harmful environmental effects and potential health risks. We also discussed circular economies, where companies are transitioning towards more sustainable practices. We can all contribute to this movement by reducing, reusing, and recycling and supporting circular businesses. Loop, which allows for reusable packaging, is also highlighted as a step towards a greener planet. This concept is likened to the old milkman system but with a modern twist for all consumer goods. Many believe that this is the future of consumer goods.